
“While we teach, we learn.”
– Seneca

I love sharing mathematics with those beyond the walls of the university, and I particularly enjoy getting involved in activities with school pupils. Here is a selection of some recent activities. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information on any of them.

Presentation to Parliament

STEM for Britain is an annual event organised by the Parliamentary Scientific Committee, where early career researchers from across the UK present posters on their research to Members of Parliament and scientific experts. I took part in 2021 and won the Gold Medal in the Mathematical Sciences category.

Workshops for secondary school students

At the University of Bristol, in conjunction with the Further Mathematics Support Programme and Access to Bristol I designed and ran the following workshops.

Talks for student societies

I have been invited to give the following talks for undergraduate mathematics societies.

Tutorials in secondary schools

The Brilliant Club is a national charity which works to widen access to universities for pupils from under-represented groups. I have worked with The Brilliant Club to run two courses of six mathematics tutorials in local schools. I designed the most recent course, which was based on my research.

Other schools outreach

At the University of St Andrews, I was involved in various widening participation schemes with local schools such as summer schools and a space school. I also ran the following workshop.

Talks at conferences

I have been invited to speak at the following conferences on outreach, engagement and science in schools.