Vasiliki Evdoridou

Open University

Thursday 11 April 2024, 4.00pm – 5.00pm
Lecture Theatre D (Mathematical Institute)

Ways to wander

In Holomorphic Dynamics it is of particular interest to study the iterates of transcendental entire functions. When we consider such iterates there is a natural division of the complex plane into the two main objects of study; the Fatou, or stable, set and the Julia, or chaotic, set. The connected components of the Fatou set that are not eventually periodic are called wandering domains. Wandering domains, which do not exist for rational maps, exhibit interesting properties, and have attracted a lot of attention in recent years.

In this talk we will present an overview of recent developments on internal and boundary dynamics of simply connected wandering domains. We will also discuss specific examples with different and somewhat surprising types of dynamical behaviour. This is joint work with A.M. Benini, N. Fagella, P. Rippon and G. Stallard.

series: Pure Mathematics Colloquium
organiser: Scott Harper