This page lists the talks in the Pure Mathematics Colloquium at the University of St Andrews when I organised it in the academic year 2023–2024. I am no longer the organiser.

Each talk is on Thursday at 4pm in Lecture Theatre D (Mathematical Institute), unless specified otherwise.

Martinmas Semester, 2023–2024

21 Sep 2023
Thibault Poiret (University of St Andrews)
Limit line bundles and metric graphs
28 Sep 2023
Peter Keevash (University of Oxford)
Hypergraph decompositions and their applications
05 Oct 2023
Terry Soo (University College London)
Independent, but not identically distributed coin-flips
12 Oct 2023
Naomi Andrew (University of Oxford)
Centralisers in outer automorphism groups
26 Oct 2023
Miriam Norris (University of Manchester)
On composition factors for tensor products of simple GL(n) representations
02 Nov 2023
Jonathan Hickman (University of Edinburgh)
Packing lines and circles
09 Nov 2023
Shaun Bullett (Queen Mary, University of London)
Holomorphic correspondences mating rational maps with Kleinian groups
16 Nov 2023
Bernd Schulze (Lancaster University)
Geometric Rigidity, Graphic Statics And Applications
23 Nov 2023
Julia Slipantschuk (University of Warwick)
Resonances for Anosov diffeomorphisms on the torus

Candlemas Semester, 2023–2024

25 Jan 2024
Ivan Cheltsov (University of Edinburgh)
When a cubic 3-fold is equivariantly rational?
01 Feb 2024
no colloquium
(Anthea Monod is rescheduled for next year)
08 Feb 2024
Nick Gill (Open University)
A graph connected to the conjugacy classes of a group and an application to group actions
15 Feb 2024
David Bate (University of Warwick)
Geometric measure theory in metric spaces
22 Feb 2024
Emmylou Haffner (ITEM, ÉNS-CNRS.)
Drafts, notes and notebooks: some things we see behind the curtain of published mathematics
07 Mar 2024
Matthew Tointon (University of Bristol)
Structure versus expansion, and probability on transitive graphs
14 Mar 2024
Stephen Cantrell (University of Warwick)
Length functions and rigidity in geometry: from random walks to Riemannian metrics
21 Mar 2024
Lothar Göttsche (ICTP, Trieste)
Curve counting, refined and tropical
28 Mar 2024
Rick Thomas (University of St Andrews)
Word problems of groups and formal languages
04 Apr 2024
no colloquium
(Tim Austin is rescheduled for next year)
11 Apr 2024
Vasiliki Evdoridou (Open University)
Ways to wander

Previous Years

For talks in previous years, see the following links:
colloquia in 2018–2023 (organised by Louis Theran)
colloquia in 2014–2018 (organised by Mike Todd)