EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow

University of St Andrews
Scott Alt(5) St Andrews

I am an EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of St Andrews. In 2025, I will start as an Assistant Professor at the University of Birmingham, as one of the 125th Anniversary Fellows. A summary of my previous positions is given on my Timeline.

My general research area is group theory: the mathematical study of symmetry. For a friendly nontechnical introduction, take a look at my poster that won a Gold Medal at STEM for Britain and my leaflet The Art of Measuring Symmetry. Much more information can be found on my Research and Publications pages.

My Erdős number is two as I am a coauthor of Peter Cameron [J. Algebra (2024)] who is a coauthor of Paul Erdős, e.g. [Combin. Probab. Comput. (1999)].

Sometimes I think about less important things, such as why Dobble is disappointing, whether you can tie a trefoil knot walking around the Fry building and what is to Wordle as a sudoku is to a crossword?

[“University flag flying from St Salvator's Chapel tower”,
© The University of St Andrews 2020, CC BY-NC 4.0]