“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas.”
– Albert Einstein
- 26 November: Normal coverings of finite groups and derangements
Algebra Seminar, University of Manchester
- 14 November: Normal coverings of finite groups and derangements
London Algebra Colloquium, Imperial College London
- 07 October: Minimal generating sets of finite groups
AGTA Workshop: Reinhold Baer Prize 2024, University of Naples
- 10 September: Is a finite group ever the union of conjugates of two equal-sized proper subgroups?
Topics in Group Theory, University of Padua (slides)
- 09 July: Generating sets of groups
Colloquium, University of Birmingham
- 17 June: How big can a minimal generating set be?
British Mathematical Colloquium, University of Manchester (slides)
- 15 December: How big can a minimal generating set be?
Functor Categories for Groups, University of Lincoln
- 12 October: Bases and generating sets for finite groups
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, University of St Andrews
- 12 September: Generating sets for finite groups
ARTIN 61 & GEARS Summer Meeting, University of Glasgow
- 21 June: Bases and generating sets for finite groups
CMI-HIMR Summmer School: Probabilistic Group Theory, University of Bristol
- 16 June: Generating sets for infinite simple groups
North British Geometric Group Theory, University of St Andrews
- 29 March: How big can a minimal generating set be?
New Perspectives in Pure Mathematics, University of Bristol (slides)
- 16 January: Invariable generation & totally deranged elements of simple groups
Algebra Seminar, University of Warwick
To view the entries from before 2023 click on the relevant year.
- 01 December: Generating sets for Thompson groups
School Research Day, University of St Andrews (slides)
- 13 October: Derangements, invariable generation and simple groups
Pure Mathematics Colloquium, University of St Andrews
- 09 September: The generating graph: spread and domination
Young Group Theorists Workshop, SwissMAP Research Station, Switzerland
- 31 July: Generating finite and infinite simple groups
Groups St Andrews, University of Newcastle (slides)
- 29 July: Invariable generation & totally deranged elements of simple groups
Simple groups, representations and applications, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (video|slides)
- 01 July: Invariable generation and a question of Garzoni
Group Theory in Florence, University of Florence
- 14 June: Invariable generation & totally deranged elements of simple groups
Algebra Seminar, University of Oxford
- 03 December: A few of my favourite proofs
Junior Algebra Colloquium, University of Bristol
- 09 November: Base size & distinguishing number for graphs & groups
Combinatorics Seminar, University of Bristol
- 20 August: Spread, Subgroups & Shintani Descent
TDLC Groups via Group Actions, Banff International Research Station (video|slides)
- 12 August: Spread: Thompson groups & finite groups
Generation of Thompson Groups, University of Bristol
- 30 June: Generating graphs: spread and domination
Graphs and Groups, Cochin University of Science and Technology
- 25 May: The spread of a finite group
Algebra Seminar, TU Kaiserslautern & University of Wuppertal
- 23 April: The finite simple groups
Junior Algebra Colloquium, University of Bristol
- 03 March: Classifying Isolated Symmetries
STEM for Britain, Parliamentary Scientific Committee (video|poster)
- 18 December: Why Euler was wrong
Junior Algebra Colloquium, University of Bristol
- 05 November: The spread of a finite group
Algebra Seminar, University of Milano-Bicocca
- 05 October: The spread of a finite group
Algebra Seminar, University of Manchester
- 01 May: Generation, the symmetric group and Thompson's group V
Groups and Combinatorics Seminar, University of Western Australia
- 13 February: 3/2-Generation
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge (video)
- 30 January: Symmetry Breaking
Junior Algebra Colloquium, University of Bristol
- 21 November: 3/2-Generated Groups
Algebra Seminar, University of Warwick -
- 7 November: 3/2-Generated Groups
Pure Mathematics Colloquium, University of St Andrews (slides)
- 8 October: Generation and Thompson's Group V
Junior Algebra Colloquium, University of Bristol
- 25 June: Uniform Domination in Simple Groups
Algebra Seminar: University of Padua, Italy
- 15 May: Uniform Domination in Simple Groups
Algebra Seminar, University of Florence, Italy
- 11 May: Spread and Uniform Domination of Finite Groups
Groups in Galway, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland (slides)
- 17 April: Generation through the Generations
British Young Mathematicians Colloquium, University of Birmingham
- 2 November: What is a group?
Postgraduate Seminar, University of Bristol (slides)
- 20 September: The Distinguishing Number of Semiprimitive Groups
Symmetry Breaking in Discrete Structures, BIRS Casa Matemática, Oaxaca (video|slides)
- 17 July: Bases and Uniform Domination for Simple Groups
Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, University of St Andrews
- 30 May: Uniform Domination in Simple Groups
Algebra Seminar, University of Birmingham
- 24 May: Segre Class of Almost Complete Intersections
Two Minute Talks, University of Bristol
I won a prize for one of the best talks.
- 23 May: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Groups and their Applications “Triangle”, University of Manchester
- 9 May: Uniform Domination in Simple Groups
Algebra and Geometry Seminar, University of Bristol
- 23 February: Uniform Domination in Simple Groups
Groups and Combinatorics Seminar, University of Western Australia
- 7 February: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar, University of Auckland
- 26 January: Uniform Domination in Simple Groups
Groups and Geometry, University of Auckland (slides)
- 2 November: Dobbly Disappointing
Matrix Evening Talks, University of Bristol
- 21 September: ABBA: Need The Winner Take It All?
Mingle, University of Bristol
- 7 August: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Groups St Andrews, University of Birmingham (slides)
- 27 June: Generating Graphs of Finite Groups
Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, University of Cambridge (slides)
- 6 June: Generating Graphs of Finite Groups
Young Algebraists' Conference, EPFL, Switzerland (slides)
- 23 May: Simpson's Paradox
Two Minute Talks, University of Bristol
- 10 March: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Pure Postgraduate Seminar, University of Bristol (slides)
- 3 March: Generation through the Generations
University of St Andrews Mathematics Society
- 2 November: Dobbly Disappointing
Opportunities for the Future, University of Bristol
- 22 September: Dobbly Disappointing
Mingle, University of Bristol
- 2 August: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Young Researchers in Mathematics, University of St Andrews (slides)
- 8 July: Generating Graphs of Finite Groups
LMS Graduate Student Meeting, University College London (slides)
I won a prize for best talk.
- 30 June: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Postgraduate Group Theory Conference, Imperial College London (slides)
- 17 May: Through the Looking-Glass
Two Minute Talks, University of Bristol
I won a prize for best talk.
- 4 March: 3/2-Generation of Finite Groups
Junior Algebra Seminar, University of Cambridge (slides)
- 13 November: Throwing Darts at Fractals
Pure Postgraduate Seminar, University of Bristol (slides)
- 21 April: Linearity: It adds up ... but the converse doesn't hold
University of St Andrews Mathematics Society
- 17 April: Sporadic Symmetry: The remarkable behaviour of the Mathieu groups
MMath Presentation, University of St Andrews (slides)
- 21 February: The Mathieu Groups: Simple Sporadic Symmetry
Tomorrow's Mathematicians Today, University of York (slides)